Karlskrona Municipality
Operations and Service Administration, Water and Sanitation/Port Department
371 83 Karlskrona
The agreement applies to recreational boats at municipal docks/recreational marinas. The municipality has the right to refer the user to another municipal mooring if the municipality finds this necessary. Boats used in commercial/professional activities are not covered by the agreement and are therefore not allowed to use the mooring without special permission from the municipality.
The agreement is valid from the date of grant and until further notice.
The agreement can be terminated by either party. The user right holder terminates the agreement digitally by logging into their account at; The agreement ceases to valid from the time the termination is registered.
The fee for recreational boat moorings is charged according to a rate established by Karlskrona Municipality, is based on the width of the mooring and the length of the boom with an addition for water and electricity if available. For moorings with a buoy, the is based on the width of the mooring with an addition for water and if available. The user is responsible for ensuring that the buoy is available and good condition. fee is based on a calendar year, but the right of use for the mooring is valid 1 April to 30 November. The fee is invoiced in advance.
All forms of subletting, transfer or lending of the mooring space in private ownership are . If the municipality becomes aware that subletting, transfer or lending has taken place, the mooring space of the user right holder will be terminated immediate effect, and the mooring space fee paid will not be .
The licensee is obliged to always ensure that the boat is well moored and, where applicable, is also equipped with fenders or other devices to prevent to adjacent boats, docks, booms, buoys or other property. /other mounting on the boom, or loose objects on the dock, is prohibited. Mooring , ropes and the like must be removed from the dock, buoy or boom by the licensee after each boating season, and upon termination.
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the boat is not wider than that there is a distance between the boat and the boom of at least five cm on each side. If the boat is moored at a boom, the municipality's guidelines for booms must be followed, are published on the municipality's website. The municipality has the right to prohibit the user from using the boat space if the above commitments are not observed. Under such circumstances, the municipality has no obligation to offer the user a replacement space.
Boats that the municipality deems to be unseaworthy or abandoned may be by the municipality at the expense and responsibility of the user. This is to that no damage occurs to the environment, pier, facility or adjacent boats.
The municipality is responsible for ensuring that the mooring device on the pier or quay is in good condition. In cases where the municipality has equipped the boating area with a boom, the municipality is also responsible for ensuring this is in good condition. For boating areas with a buoy, the user is responsible for that the buoy is present and in good condition. By good condition is meant that one's own and others property cannot be damaged.
For a mooring that has an electrical connection, the user has the right to temporarily use electrical outlet at the mooring. However, user may not connect to electricity for longer than 24 hours in a row, may electrically powered heating or cooling units be connected, unless a fee has been paid for this. water on the jetty or in connection with the mooring is available during a frost-free period during boating season. What constitutes a frost-free period is determined by the Waterworks/Harbour Department staff.
The user must report any changes to contact information such as email address, telephone number or address via the municipality's website or to the mooring register administrator at the Waterworks/Harbour Department without being asked. This information forms the basis for payments according to point 14.
It is of particular importance to the municipality that the user does not violate the of paragraphs 5, 6 and 8. The parties therefore agree that in the event the user violates his obligations under these provisions, user's right of use may be forfeited and the municipality has the right to terminate the agreement. Such termination shall be by written notice. user shall compensate the municipality for all damage and all costs that as a result of the violation.
Upon termination of the agreement, the user is obliged to leave the boating site in a clean and original condition and in the event that a boat or other property has not been removed from the boating site after termination of the agreement, the municipality has the right to move these the user's expense. agreement is not associated with any security of tenure and the user is entitled to compensation due to the termination of the lease.
The fee is based on the current rate. Once the invoice for the fee has , you have 30 days to pay the invoice.
Any dispute regarding the interpretation of this agreement or any other legal relationship arising this contractual relationship shall, unless negotiations lead to an agreement, be resolved by Swedish general court with Blekinge District Court as the first instance.
Payment and booking system from: